Save Animals



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For decades, kids have watched Sesame Street to learn numbers, letters, and important lessons about being helpful and kind to others.

So why would an educational children's show like Sesame Street support a cruel place like SeaWorld?!


In their natural ocean environment, whales and dolphins often swim up to 100 miles a day, but SeaWorld forces them to spend their entire lives in tiny pools. That would be like making a person live in a bathtub forever—no, thanks!

The animals see the same concrete walls every day and are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them. They are often torn away from their families as they're shuffled between parks. The stress of captivity and the completely unnatural environment they're forced to live in weaken their immune systems, causing them to die earlier than they would in the wild.


By promoting SeaWorld's abusement park, Sesame Street is teaching children that it's OK to keep animals in tiny concrete prisons for their whole lives and force them to perform pointless tricks that they would never do in nature.

Please ask Sesame Street officials to send the right message to kids by putting an end to the Elmo's Christmas Wish holiday show as well as all appearances of Sesame Street characters at SeaWorld!


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