Save Animals



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Roadside zoos are no fun for our animal friends. Why? Because animals in roadside zoos miss their families, their friends, and their real homes! They are kept in tiny enclosures and many don't receive proper care—it's heartbreaking.


Wild animals deserve to be left alone and to be free, just like we do.

But don't roadside zoos help to protect endangered species?

People often mistakenly believe that roadside zoos help conserve species because they breed the animals. But actually, animals who are bred are almost never returned to the wild. They usually live their entire lives in captivity and are prevented from doing everything that is natural and important to them. So really, when you think about, roadside zoos serve virtually no purpose in protecting the natural world.

If we can't see animals in wildlife attractions, where can we see them?

There are many alternatives, but the best way to see animals is through educational TV programs and documentaries. With so much footage of animals in their natural environments, there's simply no excuse for making animals suffer for entertainment just so we can look at them for a few minutes.

Have a for animals and pledge NEVER to visit a roadside zoo!

Pledge never to go to a roadside zoo!

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