Save Animals



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Every year, millions of animals are dissected in classrooms across the United States. Their bodies are cut up during science lessons and thrown away afterward. All these animals suffered and felt fear and pain, and some of them might even have been someone's animal companion!

Before being cut up by students (gross!), all frogs, cats, bunnies, pigs, and other animals used for dissection were living beings who didn't want to be killed.


None of these animals agreed to give their bodies to science, and many of them suffered before ending up on a dissection tray. Here are some examples:

  • Baby pigs are cut out of their mothers in slaughterhouses.
  • Cats were once strays or someone's companion animal.
  • Rats and mice are bred in cramped, dirty warehouses and will never get the chance to be outside.
  • Frogs are stolen from their homes in the wild and will never again be able to feel lily pads or smooth stones beneath their webbed feet.

There are lots of fun, animal-friendly ways for students to learn about biology that don't hurt animals, like computer programs, documentaries, and lifelike models. Many of these options are free—your teacher will love that!

Compassionate kids everywhere are standing up and refusing to dissect, and YOU can be one of them! Pledge to help animals by saying NO to classroom dissection!


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I Pledge Not to Dissect

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All animals who end up on dissection trays suffered and felt fear and pain, just like humans. I pledge to help animals by saying NO to dissection and asking for a humane alternative instead.

Sign Our Petition!

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