Save Animals


Ask 'Peppa Pig Theme Park' To Keep All Animals Off the Menu—Not Just Pigs!

Hasbro just opened a new Peppa Pig Theme Park in Texas where families can visit Miss Rabbit’s Diner. The restaurant doesn’t serve any pig meat because Hasbro understands that selling pig flesh in Peppa’s world would be cruel, but why are they selling foods that hurt other animals like Carol Cow or Mrs. Cow?

For years, Peppa Pig has shown us that pigs are not food, like bacon, but individuals with emotions and unique personalities. Because characters like Miss Rabbit would never hurt her intelligent chicken friends to serve nuggets or steal a mama cow’s milk to make cheese pizza the Diner at this theme park shouldn’t either!

Please ask Hasbro to remove all animals from the Texas theme park’s menu and offer a delicious vegan menu instead!


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